June 25, 2020 Written by Rosemont Shared Print Alliance and the Partnership for Shared Book...
EAST supporting collection analysis for Private Academic Library Network of Indiana
EAST is working with the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI) on a group collection analysis project to explore the relationship between their circulating print collections and the EAST collective collection.
Twenty-three of PALNI’s supported institutions are participating in the analysis, which will allow PALNI to distribute retention commitments across its membership and envision what EAST membership may look like at the individual and group levels. PALNI’s goals for the project are to demonstrate the value of their shared collection more clearly, take the next steps toward collaboratively managing PALNI’s collection as a whole, and ensure its effective management and preservation.
“By working with EAST, PALNI-supported institutions will be able to focus retention efforts on a smaller number of titles while ensuring access to materials important to our faculty and students,” says Kirsten Leonard, PALNI Executive Director. “By leveraging the expertise of the staff of the EAST organization and the scale of its membership, PALNI institutions gain both efficiency and scale.”
Learn more about EAST’s collection analysis process online: https://eastlibraries.org/collection-analysis/.
For more information about PALNI, visit the consortium website: www.palni.org.
About the Eastern Academic Scholars’ Trust (EAST)
The Eastern Academic Scholars’ Trust (EAST) is a non-profit organization that supports the collaborative efforts of more than 170 academic and research libraries in 15 states to document, protect, and provide long-term access to their print collections. EAST member libraries commit to retain agreed upon titles in their local collections for an agreed upon period of time (currently through at least June 30, 2031) and make those titles available to other EAST members. As of December 2024, EAST member libraries have made more than 11 million retention commitments. For more information, visit https://eastlibraries.org/.
About the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI)
The Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI) is a non-profit organization that supports collaboration for library and information services for 24 colleges, universities, and seminaries throughout the state. From its inception in 1992, the PALNI collaboration has been a key avenue for its supported institutions to contain costs while providing more effective library services. More recently, PALNI has adopted a model of deep collaboration that pools resources and people as a tool to expand services while containing costs. Simultaneously, PALNI is expanding collaboration within its institutions and with external library partners to address challenges and build cost-effective services. Visit www.palni.org for more information.