How PALNI is Organized
PALNI is comprised of a board of directors, an executive director and full-time staff, half- and quarter-time coordinators/consultants, and library staff collaborating on initiatives that advance PALNI libraries. The people of PALNI work together via groups, committees, and other structures to share resources, expertise, and services. See PALNI's group and committee descriptions page for details on our working groups. In addition to group work, PALNI consultants/coordinators are available to provide consulting services to individual PALNI libraries. See the consulting services page for more information.
“We encourage participation. We will provide opportunities for supported organization participation and engage in open communication in our decision-making and governance.” — PALNI Shared Value
PALNI organization chart
The PALNI board, full-time staff, coordinators/consultants, and library staff work together on PALNI initiatives through various appointed task forces and working groups. The PALNI organization chart is one tool for illustrating the complex ways in which we work together. Because of the ever-changing landscape of higher education and libraries, we remain flexible and adaptable in the formation and dissolving of groups—therefore, the organization chart is constantly evolving as we adjust to meet institution needs. See the About PALNI page for information about our mission, values, and more.
An accessible version of the PALNI organization chart can be found here.