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Collaborative. Strategic. Innovative.

Welcome to the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana




Years of Sharing
Staff and Systems


Students and Faculty


Advisory Groups with
Focused Expertise


Our Supported Institutions

We achieve more together. Twenty-four PALNI libraries collaborate to enhance the teaching and learning missions of private higher education in Indiana.

Manchester University library staff members standing and smiling

How We Work Together

Through our culture of deep collaboration and innovation, every PALNI person has a voice.

Supporting Initiatives in Open

PALNI, its supported libraries and partners lead initiatives and provide services designed to improve student success, open access, and more.

PALSave Affordable
Learning Program


Open Bibliographic
Data Management

Grace College Morgan Library

Future Systems Investigation

Together, PALNI libraries are investigating future systems possibilities that may better support library needs while fostering innovation and deepening collaboration.

ICOLC Statement on the Metadata Rights of Libraries

PALNI's Board of Directors has unanimously endorsed ICOLC's Statement on the Metadata Rights of Libraries. The statement urges all organizations to support libraries' rights and interests to use, re-use, adapt, aggregate, and share metadata without restriction or limitation.

Strategies for Collaboration

In efforts to leverage open infrastructure, the ICOLC Strategies for Open Collaboration in Library Consortia Task Force—which includes PALNI Executive Director Kirsten Leonard—has released a report titled Strategies for Collaboration: Opportunities and Challenges to Build the Future We Need.

Resources and Services

PALNI-supported libraries contribute and have access to a wide range of shared services.

Shared Expertise

PALNI shares expertise and resources to create and improve upon innovative solutions.


PALNI often collaborates with other nonprofits to achieve a project, product or service more effectively.


Staff and coordinators offer a range of consulting and services directly for individual libraries.

"Through 'The Power of PALNI,' each of our libraries benefits from reducing the duplication of efforts and achieving more in quality, value and support."
—Shared PALNI Values

Contact Us

Meet the PALNI staff and connect with us.

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