The PALNI Open Press is pleased to showcase a new profile of Jennie Mitchell, Saint...
The PALNI Open Press is a suite of open-source and open-access publishing platforms to share scholarly, creative, and educational content from PALNI-supported institutions. It is a service of the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI), a collaborative, strategic, and innovative network of private, academic libraries in Indiana. Learn more about publishing with the PALNI Open Press by requesting a consultation.
PALNI Open Press Community Catalog
Anyone can view openly published content from PALNI schools by visiting the PALNI Open Press Community Catalog.
Publishing with the PALNI Open Press
The PALNI Open Press provides several platforms to publish open access content in a variety of formats, included below. Explore our platforms or schedule a consultation to learn more.
Formats include:
- Conference proceedings
- Datasets
- Digital exhibits
- Digital scholarship projects
- Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) and other student scholarship
- Journals (academic community, faculty, or student-led)
- Monographs
- Newsletters and other serialized content
- Open Educational Resources (OER)
- Open textbooks (original or remixed)
- Original faculty scholarship

Textbook Creation Grants
With support from Lilly Endowment, Inc., the PALSave Textbook Creation Grants Program funds the creation of new OER textbooks. These resources become freely available on the web, reducing costs to students.
PALNI Open Press Profiles
"PALNI made the publication process simple through the PressBooks platform. The OER community makes soliciting feedback easy, as those who use the materials are able to comment on them and provide public transparency to that feedback. Best of all, I have continued to edit my materials based on that feedback, so the text continues to become stronger and more effective with time."
INDIANAPOLIS and FRANKLIN, Ind.—Franklin College, a PALNI-supported institution, proudly announces...
The PALNI Open Press is excited to showcase a new profile of James McGrath, Butler University...
Policies and Services
PALNI and the Publishing Services Admin Team currently provide basic-level services for PALNI community publications, including project setup and platform hosting. We also provide limited platform support and discovery services. See our policies page for more details.