JSTOR for Course Material
Are you considering more affordable alternatives to costly course materials?
We’re pleased to announce a one-time, Lilly Endowment grant-funded program to purchase a limited amount of JSTOR ebooks published in the last three years for students to use as course materials. This program provides another zero-cost option in addition to open textbooks. Once purchased, the ebooks are available for unlimited concurrent use, downloadable as a DRM-free PDF, and are permanently owned by the participating institution. This program launched in December 2020 and will be available as long as funds permit.
To participate:
- Contact your librarian for a complete list of available titles.
- Review titles as potential replacement course material.
- Access content by logging into the JSTOR platform from your library’s website.
- Let your librarian know when you have selected an ebook you would like the library to purchase with grant funds.
- Adopt the zero-cost text in your course. Consider applying for a $500 PALSave Course Redesign Grant.