Librarian of Saint Meinrad Theological Seminary showcasing one of the many books in the library’s...
PALNI Recognizes Remarkable Library Leadership and Staff
The Private Academic Library Network of Indiana Inc. (PALNI) honored library leadership and staff by presenting a combined twenty-two awards during the August 7th All-staff meeting and September 24th Board meeting. Collaborative work and the library directors and their staff's individual efforts further the organization's mission: to collaborate to enhance the teaching and learning missions of private higher education in Indiana by optimizing resources and services while strengthening leadership and professional development.
The PALNI Executive Director Kirsten Leonard bestowed five categories of awards:
- The Hall of Fame award recognizes library staff who have volunteered long-standing service and invested above and beyond in PALNI initiatives.
- The Outstanding Service 2020 award acknowledges active facilitators who drive action items and advance projects throughout the year.
- The Heart of PALNI Award is given to staff who embody PALNI’s deep collaboration and supportive culture.
- The Outstanding Achievement Award for Leadership in Deep Collaboration honors select library senior leaders who have led the way in working together more deliberately and effectively during the year.
- The Lifetime Visionary Award for Leadership in Deep Collaboration honors those who have articulated the nature of the changing information services landscape and provided long-standing leadership to work together to meet those needs.
PALNI Hall of Fame
- Laura Vogler (Wabash College)
- Erin Milanese (Goshen College)
- Vanessa French (Butler University)
- Jeff Siemon (Anderson University)
Outstanding Service 2020
- Caitlin Balgeman (Marian University)
- Jennifer Coranado (Butler University)
- Nicholas Stanton Roark (Anderson University)
- Karla Fribley (Earlham College)
- Brandon Board (AMBS)
- Suzanne Hinnefeld (Saint Mary’s College)
- Roger Peters (Concordia Theological Seminary)
- Vicky Mast (Franklin College) (Retired)
- Carla Harper (University of Indianapolis)
- Nathalie Rouamba (University of Saint Francis)
- Melissa Rasmussen (Manchester University)
Heart of PALNI Award
- Sue Wiegand (Saint Mary's College)
- Cassaundra Bash (Ancilla College)
Outstanding Achievement Award for Leadership in Deep Collaboration 2020
- Karl Stutzman (AMBS)
- Tonya Fawcett (Grace College)
- Jessica Trinoskey (Marian University)
Lifetime Visionary Award for Leadership in Deep Collaboration
- Janet Brewer (Anderson University)
- Rick Provine (DePauw University)