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PALSave support resources and associated benefits


The infographic shows the different support resources that the PALSave: PALNI Affordable Learning Program provides, as well as their associated benefits. The support resources are labeled one through six. Support resource number one is membership in the Open Education Network (OEN). The OEN provides training for PALSave Admin Team members and campus liaisons to launch PALSave on their local campuses. Support resources two through six take place once PALSave has launched on a campus. They make up a pie chart, with each wedge of the chart representing a specific resource and its associated benefits. The infographic indicates that all of these support resources add up to student success.


Support resource number, name, description, and benefits.

PALSave support resources and associated benefits

Support Resource Number





Faculty Workshops

PALSave Admin Team delivers local workshops to faculty to educate them about Open Educational Resources (OER).

  • Kick off PALSave locally
  • Admin Team provides expertise
  • Faculty learn about OER, why to use them, and where to find them


Faculty Stipends 

PALNI provides stipends for faculty to review, adopt, adapt, and create open textbooks, and to use library-licensed content.

  • Incentivize faculty engagement with OER
  • Reward them for trying something new
  • Show faculty their time is appreciated and valued


Course Redesign Assistance

Faculty redesign their course using affordable learning materials, with support from the PALSave Admin Team and local experts.

  • Use both consortial and local instructional design and librarian expertise
  • Locate and integrate the best resources
  • Save faculty time


OER Repository

PALNI creates and

maintains a public

sharing repository of

newly developed OER.

  • Provide a persistent URL for newly customized and created OER
  • Make resources discoverable to a world-wide audience
  • Build prestige for PALSave, authors, and home institutions


Cost Reduction

Student savings add up! PALNI also negotiates with publishers to reduce costs for commercial e-textbooks consortia-wide.

  • Students can borrow less
  • Increased focus on studies
  • Potential for higher registration in courses with no/low text costs


The infographic starts at the top with a description of support resource number one (membership in OEN) and its associated benefits. An arrow points down to the pie chart representing support resources numbers two through six. Each wedge has an arrow pointing to the next support resource. The pie chart has an arrow at the bottom pointing downward to a decorative banner that reads “student success.”