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Impact of textbook costs on student progress


The infographic shows how the high cost of textbooks is negatively impacting students’ academic progress. In terms of how students are coping with textbook costs, the infographic indicates that 64% do not buy required books, 43% take fewer courses, 41% don’t register for a course, and 23% drop a course. The infographic is included on the web page to illustrate that while only a portion of the overall price for college, the cost of textbooks can have a detrimental effect on student success. 


Numerical values presented on the image.

Percentage of students impacted by high textbook costs in four categories


Don’t buy the required book

Take fewer courses

Don’t register for a course

Drop a course

Percentage of students







The infographic uses illustrations of targets to indicate the percentage of students impacted in each of the four categories. Each target has a bullseye indicating 0, with rings labeled 20, 40, 60, and 80 (the outermost ring). Each target has a dart indicating the percentage of students impacted in that category.