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Diagram of copyright restrictions


A diagram showing the spectrum of copyright restrictions for materials. It is displayed in a circular arrow in order from least restrictive to most restrictive. It is included on the web page to give the reader an idea of which restrictions might apply to certain materials when choosing materials for various courses. 


The diagram contains a large, circular-shaped arrow with eight separate blocks overlapping the arrow. The blocks are spread out evenly, like the numbers on a clock. Each block contains a type of restriction. The blocks are ordered clockwise, starting with the least restrictive at the top and ending with the most restrictive. 

The restrictions are listed in the following order, from least to most restrictive:

  1. Public Domain
  2. Creative Commons
  3. Open Access
  4. (Copyright symbol) with no access barriers
  5. Library Content
  6. EDU Permitted 
  7. Fair Use
  8. Permitted by (copyright symbol) Holder